Talia Hazard is a contortionist, aerialist, and foot archer from Boston, MA.

See her in action here!

Talia’s circus skills have taken her all over the country. From New York to Colorado, performing on aerial silks, lyra, aerial sphere, and contortion foot archery. Armed with a bedazzled bow and a soul filled with glitter, Talia’s act is sure to pierce your heart on stage!

Photo Gallery

View highlights from Talia’s career here!

Cult of Art: Aphrodisia

A sacred ritual to honor the goddess Aphrodite.

Venue: The Middle East, Cambridge, MA

Vampire Ball

Presented by VampFangs.

Venue: The Hawthorne Hotel in Salem, MA.

Cult of Art: Hekateia

A ceremonial rite of worship to pay homage to the triple goddess Hekate.

Venue: The Middle East, Cambridge, MA